
Friday, March 31, 2017

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS, 1 - a quick "draft" about the diet



  • I'M NOT!
  • But, I have received a number of questions about "this Italian diet" and some people have raised concerns that the foods on this list that I have dubbed the INDD (Italian Nickel Detox Diet), don't jive with what they knew from other lists ... well ...   
  • Yes, they actually do!
  • As you may have noticed - none of the lists out there that cover dietary nickel content have ever matched.  
  • This is merely a template for how to manage the diet, but doesn't solve the issue of variance in the data on nickel content collected from region to region. Ni content varies from growing region to growing region, from farm to farm, and from day to day.  This is how nature works. 
  • This template provides you with a STRUCTURE, but it isn't designed to replace any list your doctor has given you ... 
  • But hopefully it will complement what you have been provided till now.  Hopefully, it can work in tandem with most information sheets handed out by North American health providers, since their info is generally based on the research coming out of Europe on the subject of SNAS. 
  • To find the links to the databases and the Ni App to count Nickel in your food, please go right => and click on the links I provided.  
  • The INDD has merely counted the nickel ugs for you, and created a list you can use to stay well below 150 ug (or parts per million) per day.  This is the daily threshold of dietary nickel content that the studies say we need to stay below in order to reverse symptoms and remain non-reactive.  When we are better, we can slowly increase up to 250 ug in many cases. 
  • The second column includes the mid-range nickel foods, and the third column, if you are lucky enough to achieve enough healing, are the "avoid foods" that you might be able to add back to your diet, with extreme, caution, in rotation - one day!
  • But, it could reduce your frustration about how to go about finding and eating nutrient-dense foods, especially during the early days of the diet, or in the "detox" phase, while you allow your body to adjust to avoiding dietary nickel.
  • SO, to help us all out, I took the diet, created a draft and added some average Nickel values beside most of the foods for the LOW/YES (or "detox") column, and a few in the MODERATE (use with caution/sparingly) column.  The nickel values/ug are in the colour pink.  
  • I have also included an [H] where appropriate to indicate high histamine foods which can provoke reactions along with our Ni allergic reactions.  Please proceed with caution if you are HIT intolerant, or be aware that if a low Ni food is causing you issues, it may not be because the "nickel charts" are wrong, or because you are "super sensitive" to minuscule amounts of Ni, but because you may be highly histamine reactive - or histamine intolerant (HIT).  Your body may be producing too much histamine along the H2 pathway.  
  • This is just a DRAFT document - a working document, if you will ... so I will eventually take it down and replace it as time goes on.
  • I recommend you get into the habit of looking up Ni values yourself on the App or the online documents I already introduced you to here in the blog [go right, see the list of links, it is all there].  It gets easier if you do this, as you will eventually have it all committed to memory.  
  • It is based on 100 gram units of measure 
  • Just for fun, you can create a one-day menu plan (or a few) from column 1, and add up the ugs per serving, and total everything up for the day.  
  • My guess is that you will end up ALWAYS well under 150 ug.  
  • That was the point of this structure - the LOW list is meant to be strictly adhered to for "detox' weeks, and used as a baseline when you are feeling better and can add some foods back that are a little higher.  
  • The MODERATE list is to be used to enhance your diet after "detox phase" ... and so on ... 

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